Thursday, September 1, 2011

108 days... Day 3

Nothing much to post today.  Migraine day 2.  Yuck.  Don't know if it is stress (because I am), sinuses and allergies from the weather and the fires, or hormonal because its my period.  Any way you look at it, my head hurts really freakin bad!  So I taught a class today- totally wonderful class, and first week of a month long delve into muladhara  (1st) chakra with a really great group of women.  Excited to delve into this more thoroughly and see where my own knowlege goes and how deeply involved this group will get into the depths of our chakras.  One chakra focus per month and September is the first one.  Meditation was really about awareness of this chakra and I can build on it.  So excited.  Also led my first chant besides OM today in class and it was beautiful.  We chanted LAM (lum) for 3 minutes as it is the sound associated with this chakra.  Amazing.  Love love love teaching yoga and meditation.  Whenever it gets hard, whenever I don't like all the external focuses and problems with yoga, I need to come back to this.  I love to teach and I love to practice.  Everything else is just gravy.

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